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About Us

Profit Source, Inc. is a full service mobile marketing company that can help increase your leads and customers using the latest mobile marketing tools and technologies.

We are a team of mobile marketing professionals dedicated in helping business’ target their mobile audience to help increase sales and get a better Return On Investment (ROI) for your advertising dollars.

Our solutions can help your business target your mobile savvy audience which in turn will help generate more business and increase sales.

We offer a full suite of services including mobile ready websites, QR code marketing and SMS text message marketing and consulting services.

Contact us today to have one of our mobile marketing experts explain how we can help your business grow using mobile.

Your customers are mobilized are you?


Mobile Websites & QR Codes

Premium Mobile Websites

Until recently most desktop websites were never designed with mobile in mind. Websites that are not mobile optimized provide the end user with a bad experience in many cases leaving your un-mobilized site for a site which is mobile friendly. Fonts can be too small to read, images do not scale properly and any flash within your site will cause big problems on mobile. A mobile website powered by Profit Source Inc is designed specifically for the small screens of mobile devices. The overall custom experience is greatly enhanced using a Profit Source Inc premium mobile website, because fonts are readable. navigation is easy and we make sure to display the things your users are looking for on your mobile site.

Today there are 327 million cell phones in America (that people have with them 24 x 7)
70% of them search the mobile web
45% of smartphone users now ONLY search the internet from their Mobile Device
72% of mobile searches get acted on (people call or come in your store) vs 18% for desktop searches
82% of businesses do NOT have a mobile optimized web site….but 90% THINK they do!

In today’s economy you cannot afford to NOT be Mobile Optimized.

QR Code Marketing

QR codes stand for Quick Response Codes. QR codes are scanned by a QR Code Scanner (many newer smartphones have QR scanners built in) and then the user is normally pushed somewhere on the web. Its impreitive that your QR codes push to premium mobile websites to ensure your mobile marketing campaign is not broken. To have the proper mobile marketing experience a QR code can push mobile traffic to a coupon, event listing information or a lead generation form to name a few examples.

Try scanning this QR Code to see first hand what the experience is like.

Text Marketing

5 Reasons to Try Text Message Marketing for Your Small Business

by Brett Nuckles, Business News Daily Tech Editor | January 02, 2014 11:38am ET

Text messaging isn’t just a convenient way to chat with friends. It’s also a powerful mobile marketing tool for small businesses. The vast majority of Americans own a cellphone, and most use their phone to send and receive text messages, also known as SMS messages. More important, cellphone users are more engaged with SMS messaging than they are with other mobile marketing avenues like email or social media. Most cellphone users have programmed their phone to alert them whenever a new SMS message arrives, and the majority of messages are read within a few minutes of delivery.

Still, some business owners are hesitant to adopt SMS messaging as a promotional tool, believing the platform to be ineffective. In reality, SMS marketing is cheap, easy and highly valuable. Read on for five reasons you should consider using SMS marketing for your small business today.

1. It's opt-in

Many traditional modes of advertising rely on the law of large numbers to succeed. By blasting your marketing message to as wide an audience as possible, you stand a better chance of reaching prospective customers. This type of advertising requires you to spend money on marketing messages that many consumers will quickly forget or simply ignore.

SMS marketing, on the other hand, relies on consumers to opt in. That means your target audience must first sign up to receive messages about deals and promotions before receiving them. Opt-in marketing has big benefits for businesses. One is that consumers who receive your messages are already heavily invested in your brand or product; otherwise, they wouldn’t have signed up. Another is that the opt-in model also means you won’t waste time or money bothering customers who aren’t interested. Just like with email marketing, most SMS marketing tools make it fairly easy for users to opt out.

Of course, you'll need to get consumers to sign up to receive your messages in the first place. For this reason, it's almost impossible to divorce SMS marketing from traditional advertising because you must first rely on Web, email and social media ads to build your SMS contact list.

2. It's engaging

If you're like most consumers, you probably can't wait to read a text message when it arrives in your inbox. In fact, the majority of text messages are read within just a couple of minutes after receipt. Consumers have grown accustomed to their email inbox being flooded with spam and unwanted advertising. Furthermore, many consumers don't check their email inbox for new messages more than once or twice a day. SMS inboxes, by contract, are largely reserved for messages that demand to be read right now.

This phenomenon has obvious benefits for business owners. Not only are the consumers on your SMS contact list willing participants in your promotional campaign, but they're almost guaranteed to read your message right when you send it. SMS marketing won't get your promotion in front of as many eyeballs as other modes of advertising, but by delivering your messages directly to engaged consumers – and getting them to read those messages quickly -- it delivers great bang for your buck.

3. It's quick

Much of the appeal of SMS marketing is in its brevity, both for the advertiser and the consumer. Unlike lengthy email promotions, SMS messages are generally just one or two sentences in length, sometimes including a link to a website with more details about the promotion. Consumers are very likely to read entire messages, simply because they are so short. SMS messages can also be read at the consumer's convenience, so they aren't as intrusive as Web pop-ups or telephone calls.

The brevity of SMS messages also benefits the small business owner who is short on time. Planning and deploying a promotion via SMS is quick and easy, and requires much less up-front planning than traditional advertising.

4. It's cheap

Small business owners in particular can benefit from SMS marketing because it is affordable. Sending an SMS message is much cheaper than placing a full ad in front of a potential consumer. Prices vary, but many platforms allow your business to send each message for just a few cents. Meanwhile, bulk packages allow you to send hundreds or thousands of messages each month for a relatively low, flat rate. Considering the power of SMS marketing to directly target engaged consumers, it delivers a good value proposition for small business owners on a budget.

5. It's interactive

Planning an interactive SMS promotion is a good way to make your message fun and engaging, and there are plenty of ways to do it. Posing your message as part of a questionnaire or poll encourages your target audience to read more closely and become an active participant. Offering up a toll-free SMS reply option is an extra incentive for users to engage with your brand. Meanwhile, including a link to an entertaining video or images with more details about your promotion encourages users to investigate further. Not every cellphone has the ability to connect to the Internet, but as smartphones become nearly ubiquitous, business owners would be wise to consider including visual and interactive elements in their SMS marketing efforts.


What is Profit Source Inc?

Profit Source Inc provides affordable mobile marketing solutions to businesses and media companies. We create campaigns through mobile SMS (text) and mobile virtual loyalty rewards programs to increase your customer base and your revenues.  We also create mobile sites and landing pages that enhance the mobile customer experience ultimately driving more traffic and increasing profitability. Stay connected like never before.

Why is the mobile web important?

Mobile is the fastest growing market on the Internet. More than 1 billion handsets worldwide support web surfing, and mobile browsing has increased by more than 90% the last year in several markets. So to increase access to existing and new users, mobile is the way to go!

How are mobile websites different?

Most desktop websites were not designed to be viewed on the small screens of mobile devices. Fonts can be too small, images are too large, navigation can be clunky, Flash simply won’t work, lengthy page loads, and the list goes on and on. A mobile website powered by Profit Source Inc is designed specifically for the small screens of mobile devices. Text is displayed in large and easy to read fonts. Navigating between items is quick and easy. One tap to directions and phone calls improve potential customers experiences.

Does this replace my website?

No, a Profit Source Inc mobile website extends the reach of your business to the mobile web, allowing you to people on the go a fast and easy way to learn about your business and contact you with one tap. While your existing web site is aimed at giving a full and comprehensive picture of your business, a Profit Source Inc site allows you to deliver immediate access to what matters most when on the go.

How will people actually get to my site?

Automatic redirection – If someone types your website address on their mobile phone, it will automatically redirect to your mobile website Mobile search – If someone Google’s your business then it will automatically send them to your mobile website. QR code – If you place a QR code on your front door then a customer will scan the QR code with their phone and landson your mobile site.

How is my Profit Source Inc mobile site built?

Your Profit Source Inc mobile site is designed and built using Google’s best practices… The 4 B’s Be clear with your message and avoid ‘overkill’ on mobile content. Be ready as mobile commerce is not a prediction, it’s happening right now. Be found by optimizing your message and content specifically for mobile devices and browsers, it’s a different format than desktop. Be smart and understand the value in your mobile presence by getting the right data back and choosing the right mobile web partner.

How often can I update/change my site?

A Profit Source Inc powered site comes with a Control Panel (CMS) that allows you to manage your own content. You can add unlimited content, as often as you like.

How do I set up my custom domain?

Profit Source Inc allows you to use a custom domain for your mobile website. Let’s say your desktop website lives at http://www.example.com and you’d like your mobile website to live at http://m.example.com. To do this, you’ll need to setup a CNAME record with your DNS pointing m.example.com to m.yourdomain.com.

Where can I find my mobile redirection script?

Profit Source Inc provides a simple and effective way of recognizing traffic from mobile devices and rendering a mobile-friendly view. Basically, any user that navigates to your desktop site from a mobile device is recognized and instantly redirected. They never see your desktop site on a mobile device. Instead they see the mobile-friendly site. For this to work, you will install a few lines of code on your desktop site. The whole process takes less than 5 minutes.

Loyalty Rewards with Mobile Device

Through the plastic away!  Today's mobile customer does not want to carry a plastic card in their wallet or hand bag where they try to find it in order to receive their loyalty reward from your business.  Most of the time they forget to bring the card with them and this creates frustration for your customer.  How many customers forget to bring their cell phone?  NONE!  Which is why you as a business owner or manager would want to provide your customer with a loyalty rewards program built right into their cell phone.  Their virtual punch card is on their phone which allows them easy access to your rewards program.  This provides a more pleasurable experience for your customer which in turn brings them back to business over and over again.


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